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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
1071 Convertibles - History and evolution of dream cars Guzzardi, G & Rizzo, E  1999 VL 2676 View
1072 Cooper Cars Nye, D  1983 R 1317 View
1073 Cord Complete Malks, J B  2009 VL 2687 View
1074 Cords Piston Rings   1952 TLEn 2216 View
1075 Cornwall and a Light Car Filson Young  1926 H 167 View
1076 Correct Lubrication for Your Car   1928 TG 1637 View
1077 Correspondence with Capt Marendaz 1987-88   1988 M 378 View
1078 Corvette Ludvigsen, K  1973 M 3087 View
1079 Corvette C5 Patrick C Paternie  2004 M 4088 View
1080 Cote Engines ( 1 leaflet)   TEN 2008 View