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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
181 Advertising Rover Vol II 1904-1984 Young, D  1993 M 2517 View
182 AEC Blue Triangle Alan Townsin  1980 PV 3133 View
183 Aero-Engined Cars at Brooklands Boddy  1993 R 574 View
184 Age of Motoring Adventure, 1897-1939 Nicholson,T.R..  1972 H 1485 View
185 Age of Motoring, In the Barker/Tubbs  E 50 View
186 Age of Motoring, The Dumont/Barker/Tubbs  1965 L 1064 View
187 Age of the Automobile, The Bishop, George  1977 L 2562 View
188 Ainsi Naquit L'automobile 2 vols Ickx, Jacques  H 4041 View
189 Aintree, The unfulfilled Dream Bagnall , Tony  2004 R 1201 View
190 Air-Road-Sea, Addlestone Rowe, J H  1992 H 2640 View