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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
201 Alfa Romeo 1920-1940 Clarke.R.M  2012 M 2789 View
202 Alfa Romeo 1st Edition Hull/Slater  1964 M 271 View
203 Alfa Romeo 6C 1500/1750/1900 Cherrett  1989 M 275 View
204 Alfa Romeo 8c Cherrett  1992 M 344 View
205 Alfa Romeo Illustrated History Peter Hull  1971 M 3027 View
206 Alfa Romeo Modello 8C Cherrett, Angela  1992 M 259 View
207 Alfa Romeo Monza 2211130. Great Cars No.12 Walsh, Mick  2018 R 3262 View
208 Alfa Romeo Spider Tipler, John  1998 M 3598 View
209 Alfa Romeo Spider, Alfasud and Alfetta GT Styles, D  1992 M 1829 View
210 Alfa Romeo Story, The Wherry, Joseph H  1967 M 1140 View