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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
351 Aston Martin, Shire 228 Archer, Alan  1989 M 364 View
352 Aston Martin, Gold Portfolio,1948-1971 Clark, R  M 2659 View
353 At The Drop Of The Flag. Teesside's 1909-1960 Crust, Ernie  2005 R 3821 View
354 At The Wheel Ashore and Afloat Grahame-White, Montague  1933 B 3583 View
355 Atalanta - Women as Racing Drivers Davis, S C H  B 1102 View
356 Atmos Carburetter   TLEn 986 View
357 Auburn Cord Duesenberg Clarke R M  2011 M 2734 View
358 Audi - a History of Progress   1996 M 1709 View
359 Audi R* Le Mans Kraling & Volker  VL 1447 View
360 Audi R8 - Great Cars No 15 Ian Wagstaff  2022 R 3265 View