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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
3791 Vauxhall 30-98 The Centenary. David Marsh  2013 M 2827 View
3792 Vauxhall - A Century in Motion Burgess-Wise  2003 L 2023 View
3793 Vauxhall 1857-1946 Darbyshire  1946 M 325 View
3794 Vauxhall 30-98 Portway  1995 VL 266 View
3795 Vauxhall 30-98 Register Marsh D  2001 M 1532 View
3796 Vauxhall 30-98 Register   2006 M 2272 View
3797 Vauxhall Britain's Oldest Car Maker Coomber, Ian  2017 M 3692 View
3798 Vauxhall Cars 1903-1918 Portway, N  2006 VL 2253 View
3799 Vauxhall Centenary Rally   2003 M 1957 View
3800 Vauxhall Companion Ullyett, K  1971 M 1749 View