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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
3841 Vintage Cars Posthumus, C  1973 E 957 View
3842 Vintage Cars (Black Cat Collection) Sedgwick  0 E 112 View
3843 Vintage Cars 1886-1930 Georgano  1997 l 998 View
3844 Vintage Cars in colour Dracket Phil  1981 E 2773 View
3845 Vintage Cars in Colour Incl The Men behind the car Drackett, Phil  1981 H 3709 View
3846 Vintage Cars, Classic Car Guides Sedgwick, M  1980 E 3044 View
3847 Vintage Inventions (ex "Motor")   1927 TLG 2004 View
3848 Vintage Motor Car, The Stanford/Clutton  1954 E 88 View
3849 Vintage Motor Cars Boddy  E 102 View
3850 Vintage Motorcars 32 Colour plates by Griffin David Burgess-Wise  1970 L 3212 View