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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
3951 Wolseley A very British Car Clausager, Anders  2016 M 3548 View
3952 Wolseley Hornet Specials, Hornets,Nines & Wasps Michael Santin, John Clucas,  2014 M 2929 View
3953 Wolseley, The. Shire 322 Baldwin, N  1995 M 1745 View
3954 Wonder Book of Motors 5th Edition   1948 H 3636 View
3955 Wonderful World of the Automobile Purdy, K  1961 H 1337 View
3956 Wonders of Victorian Engineering Andrews, A  1978 H 1306 View
3957 Wooden Wheel construction and repair   2008 TL 2413 View
3958 Wooden wheels   2009 TL 2558 View
3959 Works Driver - the Autobiography of Piero Taruffi Taruffi  1964 B 1344 View
3960 Works Escorts, The Robson, G  1977 M 964 View