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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
441 Automobile Engineer Year Book   1914 Y 906 View
442 Automobile Engineer's Reference Book Coker (ed)  1959 TG 1056 View
443 Automobile Engineering (Vol 1)   1923 TG 740 View
444 Automobile Engineering (Vol 1) Kerr Thomas (ed)  1932 TG 773 View
445 Automobile Engineering (Vol 2)   1923 TG 741 View
446 Automobile Engineering (Vol 3)   1923 TG 742 View
447 Automobile Engineering (Vol 4)   1923 TG 743 View
448 Automobile Engineering (Vol 5)   1923 TG 744 View
449 Automobile Engineering (Vol 6)   1923 TG 745 View
450 Automobile Engineering (Vol 7 - Ign/Startg/Lightg) Garrard  1933 TEl 853 View