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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
461 Automobile Engines Judge  1925 TEn 825 View
462 Automobile Handbook   1904 Y 1499 View
463 Automobile Handbook & Guide   1900 E 3759 View
464 Automobile Handbook 1907   1907 Y 903 View
465 Automobile Handbook1906   1906 Y 2991 View
466 Automobile Ignition, Starting and Lighting Hayward, C  1924 Tel 1051 View
467 Automobile Maintenance Bent, R W  1946 TG 2573 View
468 Automobile Racing Walkerley  1962 R 500 View
469 Automobile Repair (Vol 1) Molloy (ed)  1950 TG 808 View
470 Automobile Repair (Vol 2) Molloy (ed)  1950 TG 809 View