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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
471 Automobile Repair (Vol 3) Molloy (ed)  1950 TG 810 View
472 Automobile Repair (Vol 4) Molloy (ed)  1950 TG 811 View
473 Automobile Transmission Overhaul Staton Abbey  1949 TG 2836 View
474 Automobile Year No 25 - 1977/78   1978 Y 1195 View
475 Automobile, Its Construction & Management Lavergne/Hasluck  1902 TG 1264 View
476 Automobile, The (Vol 1) Hasluck (ed)  1905 TG 715 View
477 Automobile, The (Vol 2) Hasluck (ed)  1905 TG 716 View
478 Automobiles (Part 1)   1916 TG 2114 View
479 Automobiles (Part 2)   1916 TG 2115 View
480 Automobiles de Besancon, 1900-1930 (incl transl'n) D'Ollandon/Dornier  1993 H 216 View