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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
511 B.R.M. Grand Prix Racing Car Rivers Fletcher  1968 R 1720 View
512 Back Fire Clark Alan  2002 B 2588 View
513 Back on Track Racing in the 1940s Silva, Alessandro  2019 R 3667 View
514 Backfire Stowe, P  2001 R 1582 View
515 Badges of the Royal Automobile Club Williamson, Joan  1999 E 1105 View
516 Badminton Library Motors & Motor Driving 1st ed Harmsworth  1902 TG 704 View
517 Badminton Motors & Motor Driving 3rd ed Harmsworth  1904 TG 713 View
518 Balbutiements de l'Automobile, Les Norton, A  1982 H 1901 View
519 Ball Bearings for Automobiles   1919 TLG 1015 View
520 Ballot Daniel Cabart, Gautam Sen  2019 L 3673 View