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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
521 Bamptons 1933-1973 Bampton, D  1973 C 1708 View
522 Barre Lyndon (Writer) Knudson, Rev R L  2008 B 2506 View
523 Barry Sheene Michael Scott  2006 B 4068 View
524 Barson Special Barson, E C  1989 R 2440 View
525 Basic technical Terms Passenger cars   1974 E 2849 View
526 Batsford Colour Book of Vintage Cars Tubbs  1960 E 95 View
527 Batsford Colour Book of Vintage Cars Harding, A  1975 E 2030 View
528 Batsford Guide to Veteran Cars Hutton-Stott/Shapland  1978 E 1662 View
529 Batten Brooklands Racing Special Bennett, Neil  2018 M 3557 View
530 Battle for the Beetle Ludvigsen, Karl  2000 H 1139 View