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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
531 Beam Engines Shire Album 15 Crowley, T E  1986 H 1475 View
532 Beaulieu Encyclopedia, Vol 3 - Coachbuilding Georgano, N  2001 C 1222 View
533 Beaulieu Encyclopedia, Vol I A-L Georgano, N  2000 E 1191 View
534 Beaulieu Encyclopedia, Vol II M-Z Georgano  2000 E 1192 View
535 Bedside Wheels Walker, Murray  1986 F 3019 View
536 Bees Under My Bonnet Collier, R  F 2334 View
537 Behind The Scenes Stanley, Louis  1985 B 3577 View
538 Behind the Scenes of Motor Racing Gregory, Ken  1960 B 1759 View
539 Behind the Wheel Montagu, Lord  1977 H 175 View
540 Belco - Handbook of Vehicle Painting   1958 TG 1955 View