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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
641 Book of the Veteran Car Drackett, P  1973 H 1338 View
642 Book of the Volkswagen Abbey, Staton  1969 M 1223 View
643 Book of Veteran Cars, The Drackett  1973 E 41 View
644 Booming Buffers Boothman, John  2003 E 2740 View
645 Boreham: a History of the Racing Circuit Jones/Frankland  1999 R 1087 View
646 Bosch Book of the Motor Car   1976 L 1855 View
647 Botor Chaperon, The Williamson, C & A  1912 F 2387 View
648 Bourdon Tube Gauge and its Repair Cockram, W  2009 TL 2554 View
649 Bouverie Street to Bowling Green Lane Armstrong, A  1946 H 1853 View
650 Bowden Carburetter   1940 TL 2581 View