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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
661 Brabham: the Grand Prix Cars Henry, A  1985 R 1319 View
662 BRDC 1967 Year Book   1967 R 1163 View
663 BRDC Silver Jubilee Book   1952 R 1625 View
664 Breviaire du Chauffeur, Le Bommier  1907 TG 1258 View
665 Bridgwater Motor Car Fitzhugh, R  1995 M 2571 View
666 Bright Wheels Rolling Melton/Purdy  1954 B 6 View
667 Brighton Run, The, Shire 251 Montagu  1990 H 201 View
668 Bristol - the Quiet Survivor Oxley, C  1988 M 1704 View
669 Bristol Cars Gold Portfolio, 1946-1985   M 1721 View
670 Bristol.Cars and Engines. Setright.L.K.J  1974 M 2800 View