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  Title Author Year Section Cat No
671 Britain's Motor Industry Castle, H G  1950 H 1331 View
672 Britain's Motor Industry: The First Hundred Years Georgano, Nick et al  1995 H 3849 View
673 British Bugatti Register and Data Book   2000 M 2551 View
674 British Buses around The World Mike Fenton  1982 PV 3134 View
675 British Car Factories Collins/Stratton  1993 H 177 View
676 British Cars 1896-1914 Matthews, P D  E 1412 View
677 British Cars of the Century: Book 2 - 1903-1905   E 1688 View
678 British Cars of the Century: Book 3 - 1906-1909   E 1689 View
679 British Cars of the Century: Book 4 1909-1910   E 1690 View
680 British Cars of the Century: Book 6 - 1912-1913   E 1692 View